Sunday, March 14, 2010

transport efficiency algorithm

Put forward a based on line trajectory transport efficiency algorithm (LTTE algorithm) for wireless sensor networks.In this thesis, I analyze wireless sensor networks with lossy wireless channel. In this kind of networks, the transmission that makes use of greedy algorithm according to distance is inefficient. For improving transport efficiency, the algorithm defines a new cost value which reflects realistic link quality and provides efficient transmission. 3. Put forward a transport efficient based on B-spline curve trajectory routing algorithm (TEBT algorithm) in wireless sensor networks.Based on TBF model, the thesis put forward a transport efficient based on B-spline curve trajectory routing algorithm (TEBT algorithm) in wireless sensor networks. Two B-spline curves are connected naturally from C0 to C n?1 , so it is easy to realize and control. Especially when the application, such as military application or battle environment, requires packets to be forwarded along the curve strictly, B-spline curve is more suitable. This algorithm contents two parts: One is Path-Construction algorithm, the other is Data-Forwarding algorithm. This paper analyzes inefficient transmission in TBF model and defines a new metric for improving the transport efficiency.